Monday, December 30, 2019

Concealed Realities The Issues of Domestic Violence - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 9 Words: 2752 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2019/04/15 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Domestic Violence Essay Did you like this example? A destructive issue that remains prevalent in society is the re-occurrence of abuse, otherwise known as domestic violence. Often concealed and undetectable, domestic violence has a lingering effect on large groups of people of varying demographics. There is an unwarranted misconception that domestic violence can only occur in the physical form to women. Contrary to popular belief, this is an inaccurate notion. Domestic violence is not an act that is gender exclusive, but it occurs in both the lives of men, women and children. This paper will discuss the causes, signs and effects of domestic violence. Knowing the signs, causes, and effects of domestic violence will help society break the cycle to it. Society have always blamed the victim instead of the abuser. Before anyone receives the blame, we need to know every detail on why it exists. Knowing what causes the problem, learning the signs and finding solutions is the effective way of ending domestic violence. Domestic violence occurs in many forms such as physical, sexual, financial, emotional, verbal, stalking and mental. Many people become very abusive to their partners, family members, and friends because they either was abused or saw a love one being abuse. This is called learned behavior. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Concealed Realities The Issues of Domestic Violence" essay for you Create order Imagine meeting someone and falling deeply in love with. They are everything that a person could ever wanted. Their intelligence, personality, confidence, sense of humor are some of the reasons why a person would fall in love. From one perspective, they were the perfect catch and a dream that came true. Suddenly elements changed because abuse has begun. The person that one has fell in love with is no longer the same and began to mentally destroy their partner by verbal assaulting them. Insulting their worth by belittling them- referring to them as worthless, stupid, ugly, dumb, idiot, irresponsible, etc. After a while, the partner who is receiving the verbal abuse will began to believe the ideas that are being said, and self-esteem is no longer there. Next becomes physical, it may start off with a shove then follow up with a punch and last a full beat down. The physical abuse can get so bad where the person may need medical attention or even a body bag. This type of behavior will affect anyone living in or outside the household. These tactics that are being done is called power and control. Power and control can consist of threats, intimidation, public humiliation, fault-finding, and victim blaming. Trying to cope with abuse is draining mentally, physically, and emotionally and can cause anyone to go into severe deep depression. Speaking up and seeking help is the only way for the victim to obtain help. I know this because I am a survivor. When a person hears the words domestic violence everyone automatic thinks a man is beating a woman. However, this is not always the case. Men and children are victims just as much as women. Domestic violence is the act of someone who cannot control their anger and uses violence to express themselves. Some experts say that A person who has anger will allow it to take over the emotionally; as that happens the individuals entire way of perceiving and reacting to the universe is altered to justify their anger and hostility; these perceptual and behavioral reactions reflect real and long-lasting changes in the neural networks within the brain of this person. (Potter-Efron). The control tactics that are being used, is to terrorize their victim. In the book Getting Free You Can End Abuse and Take Back Your Life, Most abused women say emotional abuse or tactics of power and control are more difficult to deal with than physical (NiCarthy). Being control makes it hard for the victim to leave. Some victims believe that their abuser will change and can love them correctly. Being abused can destroy the lives of those involved. Ranging from the abuser, victim, children, other family members, and friends. Living this lifestyle is hard especially when one is attempting to cover up the abuse. Masking black eyes with makeup, wearing long sleeves in the summer, pretending everything were good, making an effect so the children are not aware, confining the dark secrets will make anyone depressed. Remembering the first time covering up the first black eye. The night before my abuser and I had a huge altercation. My abuser was jealous and assumed that hugging another male was a sign of disrespect. My abuser believes that if a guy is not a family member or mate, a female should not hug them. While arguing, I explained that his thought process was immature, and I did not have time to be arguing with a closed-minded person. Within moments, he punched me so far that I flew onto the floor. I proceeded to defend myself, and even though I fought back, it did not faze hi m. After a while, I just laid there until he stopped and left the house. I was in complete shocked with all these thoughts going through my mind. The person that I was in love with, the one that asked me to marry him, and the man I gave children to just assaulted me. Once I reached the bathroom, I saw my face. I saw how my face was once beautiful is now damaged. I called my baby sister and asked her to watch my daughter for a week. When she came to my house and saw my face, the expression on her face showed all her emotions. I begged her not to tell anyone. In her first breath she asked, what happen? Not in the right state of mind, I automatically said it was my fault and not his. I told her to keep the girls for the week until my face heals because I did not want them to my face like this. Two days went past and the swelling in my face went down a lot. I had to return to work. This was something that I did not want to do. I knew when I came into work there was going to be a lot of questions. I applied make up on, so it can cover the black eye. I attempted to make my face as normal as possible, but people could tell that something was wrong. One of the co-workers pulled to the side during lunch and told me that if I ever needed her to call. She explained that she has been in a abusive relationship before. She stated that she knew the signs and I can come to her. The whole time we were talking, other co-workers voiced their opinions. Another co-worker stated You are stupid for allowing any man to put his hands on you. And why would I allowed him to do that? There are signs to let anyone know if they are abuser? While the other one stated You are stupid for staying with him. Only a weak-minded person will let this happen to them. I will never let anyone put their hands on me. These women did not understand that certain words can affect a victim. When a victim is battered, all types of things are going on in their mind. They are trying to figure out where did things go wrong, what could they do to make things better, trying to find their confidence, peace, and happiness; and what could they do to prevent the next assault. Saying the wrong thing can cause the victim to go into a psychotic break. They already are afraid of their abuser and for someone to call them out their name will make their insecurities intensify, this is called a psychological abuse. One trait of psychological abuse is isolation. Battered victims appeared to be more isolated when living with the batterer, as compared to the non-batterer. (Walker) As time went by the abuse was non-stopped. For two whole years, the mental verbal, public humiliation, and physical was affecting the children and me. It was to the point where the children mimicked the actions that they saw and heard. The last straw was when he tried to assassinate me in front of the children at the doctors office. He was choking me while I was holding one of our daughters. The police remove the children from the situation. My co-worker was right there when everything had occurred. She was the one who called the police and inform them that this was happening. She explained to them that she was a relative, so she can take the children rather than them being placed into child protective services. The next day, child protective services agent and a domestic violence counselor came to my house. They both stated that the children could not stay in this type of environment. They can remove the children if a restraining order was not set into place. That single statement right there was the turning point. This account happened in 2002 when a restraining order has been placed on him and still in effect. Not many victims are fortunate enough to leave their abuser. Some stay because of fear to start over, they think their abuser going to change, they do not want to separate the family, religious and language barriers. From the book Everything You Need to Know About Breaking the Cycle of Domestic Violence People who abuse others are afraid to lose control. While leaving the abuser is often the best solutions, yet, a victim needs to be aware that their abuser can abuse them again. (Kinstlinger-Bruhn). The statistic of knowing how many people went through this is scary. One in three women and one in four men have been victims of some sort of physical violence by their intimate partner during their lifetimes. One in four women and one in seven men have been victims of severe physical violence by intimate partner in their lifetime. One in seven women and one in eighteen men have been stalked by intimate partner during their lifetime to the point in which they felt very fearful or believed that they or someone close to them would be harmed or killed, according Center of Disease and Control. ( A person will never know who is in an abusive relationship unless one knows the signs. Some of the signs are being apologetic, not themselves at all, denying anything that anyone suspect that is not right, covering up physical abuse, and the fear in their eyes when they see their mate. The main signs are distancing themselves from everyone while being in their relationship, always checking in with their partner, not coming to social events like they use to and making sure that their partner is pleased. If a person does not see any of the signs from the victim observe their partner. Watch to see if their mate is being controlling, trying to isolate their mate, never apologizing when they are wrong, and trying to change their mate completely. When a person does dramatics changed, especially when it comes to isolating themselves from everyone, nine out of ten they are in a bad relationship. There was a day when things needed to be explained. The family was informed of the suffering and constant beatings that was endured. Even though a restraining order was put in place that did not stopped him from trying to scared me. He threw a break into the house the same day the restraining order was established. So, the next morning, the van was packed with everyone possessions. Money were limited but determination for a better life was the goal. All the achieved accomplishments, goals that were set and children being raised are now on hold because the move was on. Once settled into the apartment I notice the children behavior changed dramatically. Witnessing the abuse that was endure, the children developed psychological trauma. The children needed counseling. Counseling is the number one key for anyone who is willing to obtain help. Getting counseling does not mean that you are crazy, sick, or neurotic. Counseling is a very effective outlet to help people acknowledge the cause to their issue. Counseling can be individual, couples, children and family. Some questions may be asks like Were there something in the past that made a person have built up anger? Why is the person behaving this way? Batterers choose to express their anger out on their mate is because they were raised in that environment. Either they were abused or saw a family member being abused, this situation taught them this is how a person resolve their issue with anyone. When there is abuse, everyone who is involved should go to individual first before attempting couple and fami ly. Some people believe that counseling is not a good idea. The victim who are being beaten, intimidated, or controlled by their partner are not free to engage in the kind of open dialogue that counseling promotes. If the victim speaks openly to a therapist or counselor in the presence of the batterer it may cause them to be in danger when they return home (Yount). There is a saying and it goes A person can only do what you allowed them to do This statement is true. So, when a victim allows their partner to repeatedly hit them then they deserved it. There is no way that a person would stay in a relationship that is harmful to them unless they like it. Even some expects says that it is not the abuser fault for their actions because victims know how to provoke them. Victims know exactly what causes the batterer to react. They do this because the victims like to be hit. Some believes that if their partner does not hit them that they are not love or wanted. Some victims provoke their abuser for attention. People play the victim role when they are the one who initiate the fight. Then they will call the police and make false accusations. Therefore, society does not have any concern about domestic violence. False accusations can cause a lot of damage to people lives affecting not only the victims and abusers but, also the families and friends. The victim creditability will no longer exist because of the lies they told. The so-called abuser will have to defend their character. The victim will no longer be looked upon with sympathy but with disgust. Individuals who use to associate themselves with the victim will become distance. The so-called victim will start to experience certain traits of an abuse victim excluding the physical aspect. Down the line if they were to ever come across an abusive relationship, people would be more hesitant to believe them. Now for the individual falsely accused, they will have to build their life together again piece by piece. Their reputation has been tarnished and were considered a disgrace in the public eye, including some family members. For those family members that stood by the individuals side, this comes as a relieve. Though the individual were fal sely accused, they may not receive their job back because certain consequence may not be reversable. The title that is attached to them has cause struggles with daily task. Receiving stares and talked down upon would still go on after being proven innocent of the heinous act. By those viewing the situation from the outside, the individuals is seen by those who surround him as guilty. In conclusion, society should understand the difference between real victims and those who portrayed as a victim. Blaming all victims for being abuse is wrong because there are some victims who wants to leave. There are too afraid to go because they are financially unstable or do not want to separate the family. Therefore, understanding and providing views on learned behavior, cause, effects and signs of victims and abuser can make society understand what is real and not. This is supported by personal experiences, facts, and evidenced. Well explained and articulated for all to get a good understanding of the topic. Works Cited Kinstlinger-Bruhn, Charlotte. Everything You Need to Know About Breaking The Cycle of Domestic Violence. The Rosen Publishing Group, INC, 1997. 44. NiCarthy, Ginny. Getting Free You Can End Abuse And Take Back Your Life. Seal Press, 2004. XXV. Potter-Efron, Ronald. Handbook of Anger Management and Domestic Violence Offender Treatment. 2015. n.d. 3. Walker, Lenore E.A. The Battered Woman Syndrome. Springer Publishing Company, 2000. 33. n.d. October 2018. Yount, Lisa. How Can Domestic Violence Be Prevented. Thomas Gale, 2006. 94.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Teaching Methods And Techniques And Materials For The...

As Celce-Murcia (2001:67) claims, â€Å"Until quite recently, listening comprehension had been neglected with regard to both its place in second or foreign language teaching methodology and the development of techniques and materials for use in the classroom†. In Japan as well, as Blyth (2011:71) indicates, there has seemed to be no strategic pedagogy for listening, especially from a perspective of communicative language teaching. English teachers in Japan tend to keep giving common advice like ‘just listen to aural materials as much as possible and that’ll enhance your listening comprehension further in the future’. Furthermore, in Japan, there is even a nationally famous ‘fraudulent’ English learning material which claims that all you have to do is just hear (note here, not ‘listen’ but just ‘hear’) the material for a certain period of time every day and you will be able to speak English fluently before you know. As can be seen in this phenomenon in Japan around teaching listening, Japan could be described as still being in ‘developing’ situation in English language teaching. I myself have also been less confident in my aural and oral English proficiency compared to reading or writing skills. As a matter of fact, I had thought that the benchmark to measure my listening proficiency would be the score of a high-stakes test like IELTS or TOEFL. Of course I did not think that just passing the English language requirement would be enough for me to live in the UK. However, I thought,Show MoreRelatedEvaluation Of A Teacher s Methodology1109 Words   |  5 PagesMethodology Methodology is simply the methods in which a teacher will get information and material across to his or her students. Methodology will vary among teachers but a teacher’s methodology will fall under three main categories. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Human Interaction from a Psychology Perspective Free Essays

Human Interaction from a Psychology Perspective Do we act the same within social interactions as we do when we feel that no one else is looking? Do we conform to society’s standards of what is considered normal behavior? Does our behavior in social interactions depend on a variety of factors ranging from brain chemistry, individual belief’s, cultural influence? We are all influenced by a variety of factors in our social interactions with others. Does the interaction offer us some type of recognition or personal reward? What can we get out of the social gathering that we beneficial to us in the long run? Do we act what is considered normal in our social interactions with others or adopt maladaptive behavioral patterns that lead to chronic disturbances in interpersonal and occupational functioning. according to Kowalski, induces a higher rate of conformity among its members. We will write a custom essay sample on Human Interaction from a Psychology Perspective or any similar topic only for you Order Now In this type of culture lacking autonomy, obedience is taught by parent to child as a means of future survival (Kowalski Western, 2009) andA that the childaâ‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s role in society has been predetermined. In communism conformity is not a choice, rather a governmental mandate to remain within the norms of the communistic society in place. Democratic Societies Whereas communism attempts to create a single social norm from many cultures, democracies promote social norms based on many cultures. Within democratic societies exist many cultures based on ethnic, religious, economic, and social affiliations. A childaâ‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s future is not encoded from birth, rather determined by his or her choice of social affiliations. Although many factors contribute to a person conforming to social norms, many antisocial behaviors can develop as well. According to Steinberg; The increased importance of peers leads adolescents to want to alter their behavior in order to (sic) fit in; because they care more about what their friends think of them, they are more likely to go along with the crowd to avoid being rejected (Steinberg Monahan, 2007, para. 5). Peer pressure is more likely to alter behaviors of those under the age of 14 as he or she tries to fit into a present group culture. Social interaction at this point dictates whether the learned behaviors are socially acceptable or not. Between the ages of 14-18 the individuals begin to resist peer pressures as they begin to develop emotional autonomy (Steinberg Monahan, 2007). Intervention. Whether in a communistic or democratic society, it is individual behaviors that are judged by society to be either normal or antisocial. In either society, if a mental †¦ is in dissension of other individuals established beliefs or standards the action is considered to be disrupting or deviant and is rejected. Many times individuals perform deviant acts which are not necessarily harmful to society as a whole but are potentially threatening to their own existence. This brings in the question of what type of assistance the individual requires in order to change their behaviors. Psychoanalytical therapy may be helpful in order to determine the underlying causes for the deviant behavior. Disorders such as obsessive-compulsive behaviors may not affect an individualaâ‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s social interactions; however, these behaviors could potentially have a negative effect on individual abilities to find employment. A Individual interactions within a culture should be performed in an effort to unify personal positions within that society and to strengthen relationships within the community. Societies which enforce responsibility from their leaders are motivated to include a much greater level of development while those which are commanded by power have the tendency to lose. Individuals who try to control others, either in the place of work or on a personal level, frequently exhibit these behaviors due to a lack of self-confidence which has been infused in them due to various reasons. While at times it is necessary to take charge of specific situations, those who are provocative in their approach would benefit from psychological therapy in order †¦ Treatment and Prognosis of PTSD. There are various types of therapy and medications that has proven to be successful in treating PTSD. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is most effective in treating PTSD. Prolonged Exposure (PE) therapy, Cognitive Processing therapy, reprocessing and Eye movement desensitization therapy are also other means of therapy that is successful in treating PTSD. Types of drugs known as Selective Serotonin Reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) which is typically used for depression has been successful in treating PTSD. The prognosis for PTSD depends on severity and length of how long a person has suffered with the mental illness. A majority of those who seek treatment do respond to psychotherapy but residual symptoms may remain and go into remission for different lengths of time. It is important to seek treatment for PTSD as symptoms may become so debilitating that it will interfere with a person’s ability to lead a full and productive life References or Cited Sources: Web MD. (2009). Types of Mental Illness Retrieved from http://www. webmd. com/mental-health/mental-health-types-illness Retrieved on August 8, 2011. Department of Veteran Affairs. Understanding PTSD Treatment Retrieved from http://www. ptsd. va. gov/public/pages/gen-treatment. asp Retrieved on August 8, 2011. eMedicine Health. (Medical Author: Maria Pease, MD. Medical Editor: Melissa Conrad Stoppler, MD Bradley, R. , J. Greene, et al. â€Å"A Multi Dimensional Meta-analysis of Psychotherapy for PTSD. † AMJ Psychiatry 162. 2 (2005): 214-227. Retrieved from: http://www. emedicinehealth. om/post-traumatic_stress_disorder_ptsd/article_em. htm Retrieved on August 8, 2011. Human Interaction from a Psychology Perspective Do we act the same within social interactions as we do when we feel that no one else is looking? Do we conform to society’s standards of what is considered normal behavior? Does our behavior in social interactions depend on a variety of factors ranging from br ain chemistry, individual belief’s, cultural influence? We are all influenced by a variety of factors in our social interactions with others. Does the interaction offer us some type of recognition or personal reward? What can we get out of the social gathering that we beneficial to us in the long run? Do we act what is considered normal in our social interactions with others or adopt maladaptive behavioral patterns that lead to chronic disturbances in interpersonal and occupational functioning. according to Kowalski, induces a higher rate of conformity among its members. In this type of culture lacking autonomy, obedience is taught by parent to child as a means of future survival (Kowalski Western, 2009) andA that the childaâ‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s role in society has been predetermined. In communism conformity is not a choice, rather a governmental mandate to remain within the norms of the communistic society in place. Democratic Societies Whereas communism attempts to create a single social norm from many cultures, democracies promote social norms based on many cultures. Within democratic societies exist many cultures based on ethnic, religious, economic, and social affiliations. A childaâ‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s future is not encoded from birth, rather determined by his or her choice of social affiliations. Although many factors contribute to a person conforming to social norms, many antisocial behaviors can develop as well. According to Steinberg; The increased importance of peers leads adolescents to want to alter their behavior in order to (sic) fit in; because they care more about what their friends think of them, they are more likely to go along with the crowd to avoid being rejected (Steinberg Monahan, 2007, para. 5). Peer pressure is more likely to alter behaviors of those under the age of 14 as he or she tries to fit into a present group culture. Social interaction at this point dictates whether the learned behaviors are socially acceptable or not. Between the ages of 14-18 the individuals begin to resist peer pressures as they begin to develop emotional autonomy (Steinberg Monahan, 2007). Intervention. Whether in a communistic or democratic society, it is individual behaviors that are judged by society to be either normal or antisocial. In either society, if a mental †¦ is in dissension of other individuals established beliefs or standards the action is considered to be disrupting or deviant and is rejected. Many times individuals perform deviant acts which are not necessarily harmful to society as a whole but are potentially threatening to their own existence. This brings in the question of what type of assistance the individual requires in order to change their behaviors. Psychoanalytical therapy may be helpful in order to determine the underlying causes for the deviant behavior. Disorders such as obsessive-compulsive behaviors may not affect an individualaâ‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s social interactions; however, these behaviors could potentially have a negative effect on individual abilities to find employment. A Individual interactions within a culture should be performed in an effort to unify personal positions within that society and to strengthen relationships within the community. Societies which enforce responsibility from their leaders are motivated to include a much greater level of development while those which are commanded by power have the tendency to lose. Individuals who try to control others, either in the place of work or on a personal level, frequently exhibit these behaviors due to a lack of self-confidence which has been infused in them due to various reasons. While at times it is necessary to take charge of specific situations, those who are provocative in their approach would benefit from psychological therapy in order †¦ Treatment and Prognosis of PTSD. There are various types of therapy and medications that has proven to be successful in treating PTSD. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is most effective in treating PTSD. Prolonged Exposure (PE) therapy, Cognitive Processing therapy, reprocessing and Eye movement desensitization therapy are also other means of therapy that is successful in treating PTSD. Types of drugs known as Selective Serotonin Reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) which is typically used for depression has been successful in treating PTSD. The prognosis for PTSD depends on severity and length of how long a person has suffered with the mental illness. A majority of those who seek treatment do respond to psychotherapy but residual symptoms may remain and go into remission for different lengths of time. It is important to seek treatment for PTSD as symptoms may become so debilitating that it will interfere with a person’s ability to lead a full and productive life References or Cited Sources: Web MD. (2009). Types of Mental Illness Retrieved from http://www. webmd. om/mental-health/mental-health-types-illness Retrieved on August 8, 2011. Department of Veteran Affairs. Understanding PTSD Treatment Retrieved from http://www. ptsd. va. gov/public/pages/gen-treatment. asp Retrieved on August 8, 2011. eMedicine Health. (Medical Author: Maria Pease, MD. Medical Editor: Melissa Conrad Stoppler, MD Bradley, R. , J. Greene, et al. â€Å"A Multi Dimensional Meta-analysis of Psychotherapy for PTSD. † AMJ Psychiatry 162 . 2 (2005): 214-227. Retrieved from: http://www. emedicinehealth. com/post-traumatic_stress_disorder_ptsd/article_em. htm Retrieved on August 8, 2011. How to cite Human Interaction from a Psychology Perspective, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Credibility on Aquasana Sales Force Plan †Free Samples to Students

Question: Discuss about the Credibility on Aquasana Sales Force Plan. Answer: Introduction The development of a Sales force plan for the company is aimed at helping the company meet its sales targets. At Oman market, it will help in extending its serviceprovision in the advancement of its mission to provide best-class filtration product that will enable every home to enjoy the great and healthy water. However, it is important to note entering a new market requires an effective marketing strategic plan upon which the company should seek to establish before entering the market. Market dynamics have increased due to increased innovations and development of new products. Due to these changes, many companies are presented with great challenges as increased market dynamics bring about many things, which the company can change as well as those beyond their control. It is important to note that businesses are greatly influenced by the environments in which they operate. Therefore, businesses need to keep a constant check and provide an analysis of the environments within which the market lays. Therefore, an effective analysis of the factors that would influence the sale targets of Aquasana Company at Oman can be done through the use SWOT analysis. In this case, the SWOT analysis helps in analyzing the internal and external factors that can affect the business. The internal factors influencing sales targets, in this case, would be the company strengths as well as weakness while the external factors include the threats as well as opportunities which may also have an influence on the business. The analysis is therefore important as it helps the managers in deciding whether they should take advantage of a new opportunities in the business, deal with changes to your competition operations as well as help in implementing new technology. The company offers water solutions and forms one of the largest leading brands offering pure water solutions for homes. They believe that tasting water and healthy environments are the most important components of healthy living and the overall wellbeing. The company boasts of using the best in class filtering technology as well as innovations to provide maximum reduction in water contaminants globally. Building on the Company Internal Strengths SWOT Analysis, in this case, will help the company to achieve the following benefits: Identify areas of the business that are performing well, which is very important as they form or establish the companys competitive advantage. The strengths of the company will be important in determining the success of the business in any new market as they generally used a force to enter the new markets. For instance, in the Oman market where there is great potential for the company to succeed and increase its sales targets, the company needs, therefore, to develop and capitalize on its strengths (Bravo-Biosca et al., p.724, 2014). The major company strengths are built on the brand. The company water filters have been certified by NSF to reduce common water contaminants. The company boasts to be the leader in water filtration engineering and innovative technology. The company also offers its customers great benefits of enjoying a variety of products that are affordable and environmentally friendly. The brand value lies in certified 97% chlorine removal and allow the customers to get pure water. The fact that its products are environmentally friendly is a major strength in penetrating new markets, as the products will find favor before the government in terms of obtaining the relevant legislation documents. Conducting a SWOT analysis helps to identify these weaknesses and improving before they become a problem for the company: Product or company weaknesses form part of the internal environmental factor affecting many businesses. It is important therefore for the company before venturing into the Oman market to identify its weakness. Weaknesses do not mean that the company is doing badly but acts as a characteristic that the business is at the disadvantage to others (Bello2014, p.51). One of the greatest weaknesses of the company has been in dealing with waste disposal after filtering the water. However, this has been reduced by ensuring that all company water filter components are made in a way that allow for minimal waste. This is done by ensuring that our reusable outer filter casings as well as filter cartridges are made of recyclable part and compostable materials. Seizing the Opportunities It is also important for the business to take advantage of new opportunities especially in the new markets and maximize them to make greater profits: Some of these opportunities may include an increase in global new consumer trends as well as the daily changes in the markets. Seizing opportunities also create a competitive edge for the business by actively closing any market gap to the advantage of the company. The company has, therefore, a great opportunity to take advantage of the new market in Oman where there is great demand for great tasting and healthy water. Counteracting threats Identification of threats is also important if the company wants to increase its sales targets: Threats, in this case, include all theexternal business factors that could be of problems to the business operations currently or in future. Changes in markets, competitors new advertising strategy and new government strategies can be considered as threats. These, however, can be counteracted depending on the company strengths and weaknesses. The company should also focus on addressing individual issues such as the development of new products, organizational structure, advertising strategy as well as its operational efficiency. SWOT Analysis Strengths - Company brand to offer tasting and healthy water. - Ability to reduce common water contaminants - Filtering engineering and innovative technology - Customer focus - Environmental friendly products Weaknesses - Challenge of dealing with waste disposal - Lack of product diversification though innovation Opportunities - The global new consumer trends - Lack of quality water services in Oman - Lack competitive water engineering and innovative technology in Oman Threats - Competition from existing companies - Unfavorable government regulations - Market segmentation Aquasana growth strategy (Corporate) and a generic strategy (Business) Growth strategy can either be corporate or business one. One of the most difficult things or challenge for many business managers is managing rapid growth because the business is normally faced with both opportunities and challenges. It is therefore important for the business to identify and create a good growth strategy. In this respect, Porters generic Competitive Strategies can be used to determine if the companys productivity is more or less than the average industry standards. Sustainable competitive advantage is considered as the basis of the average industry standards. Therefore, it might be possible for Aquasana Water Solutions Company to possess the two basic types of competitive advantage in the form of low cost or differentiation. The following model will clarify the concept of competitive strategies. Diversification strategy in the market will help Aquasana to penetrate into the new market where there is no operating business. In this way, they will be able to create an innovative product in the new market and thus, expand their previous product line with similar kinds of products. The strategies in diversification include development of new products or markets, acquirement of a company, collaboration with a company and others. One of the first steps to developing an effective growth strategy is by focusing on the business or company strengths other than concentrating on the weaknesses. Most of the business weaknesses are solved when the strengths outdo the weaknesses. Therefore, Aquasana Water Solutions Company should give more focus on their service delivery and ensuring that every family enjoys a great tasting of healthy water. Provision of quality services to its customers and great innovative solutions, as well as environmental conservation, should be the top priority of the company. This will help the company meet its sales targets as compared to concentrating on company weaknesses. Business strategy of a company is defined as their plan to meet certain objectives. The strategies become successful when the business experiences growth, a competitive position in the market and a powerful financial base. An effective growth strategy will be determined by the ability of the company to establish its value proposition. In this case, Aquasana should identify the factors, which sets it apart from other competitors for them to boost their sales targets (Khan and Quaddus, p. 278, 2015). Moreover, it is largely recognized in protecting and conserving the environment through innovative technology, which is able to reduce the filtering contaminants. It needs to be given more attention as it is the value proposition of the company. Aquasanashould use the strategy of cost leadership and differentiation, which affect the growth of the company. By doing so, the company is able to dedicate more time and resources. A good business strategy will also be achieved if the company is able to verify its revenue stream. The future of any company is determined by the ability of the company to attract new talents from the job market. Investing in new talent is a great growth for the strategy as they bring about new skills into the company, innovations and can help in delivering better services to the company clients as compared to the existing workforce. It is also of great importance for the company to focus on their competitors and learn about their growth strategies in order to maintainrelevance despite the increased market dynamics. Defining the Sales Target for 2016-2017, based on the environmental analysis In order to define the sales target for the year 2016/17 based on the environmental analysis. It is important to understand that these targets can only be met when there is sustainability in the business as it forms the backbone of every business. Sustainability in business can be seen in two different angles where we have economic sustainability as well as environmental sustainability (Wang Miao2015, p. 2376). Economic sustainability of any business can be achieved through natural capital which comes from the environment, human capital resource which is determined by talented labour, productive capital which results from company productive activities as well as social capital from social trusts and interrelations and finally the financial capital which is used to connect all the other capitals resources and help the company grow and sustain an economy. Environmental sustainability, on the other hand, is directly focused on the physical environment. The sales targets for the year 2016/17 for the company through expansion and entry into the Oman new markets are expected to increase by 5% of the existing sales. To achieve this company will be required to focus more on internal strengths and minimize its weaknesses based on the environmental analysis. The company is also expected to identify new opportunities within the Oman market and maximize them to the benefit of the company. All the operations of the company should be aimed at managing and conserving the environment in order to increase its corporate social responsibility initiatives. Young and middle-aged customers-----------------3% increase The aged group of customers-----------------------2% increase New customers expected------------------------------=(3-2)= 1% expected increase With an increase of sale targets of the three class or groups of customers will help the company attain an annual sales target of 5 % at the end of the year. Sales targets for Aquasana The volume of sales of water heater for both household and commercial purpose of Aquasana as per the 2017 report is given below: Oman: $1765.4 Rest of the world: $997.7 Inter segment sales: -(20.5) Total net sales: $2742.6 billion(Johnstonand Marshall, 2016, p. 8) A sale target in Oman for 2016- 17 according to the sale plan has followed a total percentage of international sales: Current sales volume= $2742.6 billion Number of Sales Person=Total Sales/Estimated sales of per person =2742.6 billion/3 billion=914 sales persons Sales Territory Expected sales Muscat $1000 Sohar $200 Ibri $200 Barka $200 Total $1600 Table: Target sales territory Sales force plan to achieve the defined sales targets, Sales Force Size Tertiary Design for Oman with clear justification This simple sales force plan can be used to achieve the sales targets for Oman. Since this would be a new market, the first step would be identifying with strangers or the people of the area,which forms a basis for creating awareness (BansalDesJardine, 2014, p. 78). The next step would be to connect with the people, and in this case, the salespeople will give some leads to the strangers they have already identified themselves with. Then from the leads, it is easy to identify the qualified leads and this given a further analysis for consideration. The salespeople are able to explore the leads for sales opportunities and advise them on the company products and may end up becoming company customers. A plan for sales training and techniques for the effective sales performance of the sales team of Aquasana Different managers used different techniques to increase or improve the sales performances of the company based on performance of the sales team. Below is a plan for the sales training and techniques for effective sales performance. The first training technique would understand the product (Gamble Thompson, 2014). This greatly helps in understanding the needs of the customer and tailoring the product to provide the best solution to their problems using the product. The second sales training and technique would be reward specific performances and encourage the sales teams that they are doing a great job which boosts their morale and confidence in their work to become the best. It is also important for the managers to avoid overtraining of the sales team. This can have a negative effect on their natural talents and confidence and therefore the training should be kept short but consistent with microlearning (Crane Matten, 2016). Offering field training is also a very crucial sales technique as it provides a detailed feedback from their moments of interaction and social encounters. However, telling success stories to the sales team does a magic to their productivity. It instills a sense of unity in the company salespeople and encourages them to work harder and even smarter to achieve not only their goals but also the company goals. Customer Relationship Strategies to Build a Loyal Customer Base (flower model) Based on the flower model, it defines various market domains, which are interdependent but not necessarily have the dame importance in the company. Each market domain plays an important role different from each other and Aquasana needs to adopt the domains, which are relevant to help them build a loyal customer base. The figure below shows a Six Market Flower Model which can be effective in building a loyal customer base. Customer markets: The success of a company is dependent on the relationship the company is able to make with its customers. The sales people therefore play are a very important role in fostering the client or customer relationships with the company as they act as the first face of the company. The customers are usually the greatest assets a company can ever have (Johnstonand Marshall, 2016, p. 8). It is therefore important for the management to develop effective customer relationships strategies for the sales team in order to equip them builds a loyal customer base. This can be achievedby learning about your customers or getting to know them. The customers include all the people who have continued using the water filter of Aquasana. The company need to kow the requirements of the customers (Bolander et al. 2015, p. 11). Secondly, it is also important that the sales team learn to live by the customer complaints. These complaints give the salespeople or team an opportunity to hear from the customers of what they think about the product or the service. Referral markets: It is very easy for the company to increase their customer base by taking opportunity of the existing customers. Most companies have therefore developed referral strategy whereby they use their existing customers to refer new clients to them. The existing customers usually have an experience with the company and therefore it is easy for them to trust someone who has had past experiences with the company compared to a stranger (Aranda et al. 2015, p. 1202). Most customers are able to buy or consume a certain product merely because they can trust you and not just because of the product. Recruitment Markets: most companies do not recognize the importance of these markets in building relationships with customers. An employee with the right attitude towards work is likely to contribute to positive relationships as he or she lives as per the brand of the work. However, an employee with a negative attitude despite having the right skills will not be able to bring good clients or customers to the company. The company, therefore needs to be careful on their recruitment strategies and should ensure that they develop the company brand right from the recruitment (Wynn 2012, p. 354). The main goal is to implementing effective customer relationship management strategies aimed at improving customer relationship and contribute to increased client retention. Internal markets: the company can also focus on the internal market as it plays a very important role in relationship marketing. Improving employee relationships within the organization is very critical in developing brand development and enhancing marketing. The company should therefore focus on training the employees and keep them updated with the current market trends, motivate them using both monetary and non-monetary gifts and always feel concerned of their welfare. A satisfied employee will transform the same energy into bringing good clients and customers to the organizations or company compared to unsatisfied employee. The Influence Market: the market is comprised of various market forces, which may directly or indirectly impact on the business. Such markets include the environment markets, the financial markets, government as well as the competitors markets. Having knowledge of these four markets will help the company develop products, which cost effective, competitive in the market and are environmental friendly. A company brand or product that is cautious of these markets is able to build long lasting relationships not only with the customers but also with the external world and hence give it a competitive advantage. Supplier/Alliance Markets: the supplier markets are engaged in selling or distributing the products to relevant business locations and therefore the markets are market based. On the other hand, the alliance markets are knowledge based and provide useful information about a certain product. Such markets are also very critical in building loyal customer based; suppliers can be a channel for marketing a certain product or brand in a certain region while alliance markets develop customer trusts by providing knowledge on the product. The company therefore needs to venture into these markets and utilize any opportunity available to build customer relationships. Conclusion There is indeed great potential for Aquasana to venture into the Oman market. The success of the venture into the new market will depend on the specific sales strategies employed to meet the sales targets for the company. It is therefore important to analyze and have sufficient knowledge on the business environment in which the business operates. Understanding the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats available in the market is a very critical tool for Aquasana to adopt or initiate a sales policy or decision. 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